Friday, December 9, 2011

Project ideas due !

4-5-6th grade students have until Dec. 15th to return forms signed by parents stating the book title and project for our literacy projects due FEB. 14th.  You will get your grading scale/project instructions when you return your signature form.

KEEP the grading scale/instructions to use as you do your project and turn it in with the project in Feb. 

See our "2011-2012 I Love to Read Week" page for all project descriptions.

How the Penguins Saved Christmas!

Kindergarten thru 3rd grade students have worked hard for weeks to prepare for today.  Performance is at is a sneak peak from rehearsals...see more on the Christmas Program page.
Poor Santa...he's lost at the South Pole with Penguins and he doesn't remember who he is !