I Love to Read week information

Details about the week is followed by Information/Grading Scales for projets then pictures of previous projects.

I Love to READ ! week

Feb. 9-13

We are so excited to have our “I Love to Read!” week activities Feb. 9-13. 
 Below are some details about the week. 

Theme Days

“Read My Shirt” wear a shirt with a slogan or saying
“Chill Out with a Cool Book”  wear winter attire…mittens, scarves, etc.
“Reading Rocks,  Wear Some Funky Socks” CRAZY sock day
“Hunt for a Good Book” Camo day
WE LOVE TO READ! Dress as your Favorite BOOK Character (bring your book too!)


  • Reading Logs- each student will record what they read from Feb. 9-13th.  The goal for the week is to read a total of 3000 books.  (Watch for a special surprise from Mr. Todd if we meet the goal!)  Use notebook paper to write down each book you read and give the totals to your teacher each day.

  • Contests
    • Classes will compete with a literature based door decorating contest.  Classroom doors will be judged and the winning classes (one from k-2 and one from 3-6) will have a party in the library.  
    • Classes will have an Accelerated Reader challenge—the class taking the most tests Feb 9-13th (and passing them with 80% or above accuracy) will win a party in the library. (one from k-2 and one from 3-6)
  • Guest Readers- classes will be inviting guest readers throughout the week.
  • Characters on Parade- students may dress as a book character on Friday the 13th.  Please NO MASKS OR WEAPONS.  The parade will start at 1:40 in the hallways.
These activities are designed to share the love of reading and explore as many books as possible.  Please read with your child each day and encourage them to participate in the “I Love to READ !” week activities.



I Love to Read Week Project due Jan. 30th

  • Choose ONE book and ONE project. You will not be allowed to change books/projects once you return your slip--so please choose wisely. Make sure you’ve NEVER taken a test on the book and discuss it with your family.
  • Book/project choices must be approved by December 16th.

(Return your slip signed by a parent to MRS. TAYLOR)  You’ll get a copy of the complete assignment & grading scale when you turn in your signed slip to Mrs. Taylor

·        Turn in the GRADING SCALE WITH YOUR PROJECT (-5pts if it is missing)

·        Take AR test between January 5 and February 9th.

·        Present your project to the class during library class.   


You will receive TWO grades …one for the project and one for the AR test over the book. (Make sure you have NEVER taken an AR test over the book you choose)


Below are your choices.  CHOOSE ONE:

FICTION                    or


Complete grading scales are posted at http://hceslibrary-ttaylor.blogspot.com and in the library.  Please see Mrs. Taylor if you have any questions.  HAVE FUN and BE CREATIVE !

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.

Projects cover Standards for the 21st Century Learner: 2.1.2,  2.1.4,  2.1.6,  2.2.4,  3.3.7,  4.1.1,  4.1.3,  4.1.8,  4.4.1

_    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _    _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _   _

Cut along the line and return this slip to Mrs. Taylor by Dec. 16th.

This must be filled out and  SIGNED by a parent/guardian


I am aware that my child has a literacy project due BY January 30th.


Child’s name:_______________________________Homeroom:____________________


Book Title:_________________________________ Project:_______________________


Parent signature:____________________________

NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


DVD Cover--Fiction

 Pretend you turn your book into a movie! 

You only need the piece of paper, not an actual DVD case

  • Make sure your DVD cover has :

o        Your name, book  title & author

o       A list of characters and actors playing the part (actors could be real actors or even your friends.)

o       A persuasive testimonial, such as “This is the best movie in years!—Entertainment Weekly”.  Or have a friend give a quote.

o       A persuasive blurb (this is like the passage that might be found on the back of the book that tells you what the book is about.).  This is where you tell what the book is about…make it interesting so people want to read it…but don’t give away the ending.  It should be 6 to 10 sentences long.  Do NOT use the one on the book…must summarize it in your OWN WORDS IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.

o       Two songs listed for the make-believe sound track.  These should be songs that actually exist.  You might announce them like…. “This movie includes the hit songs….”

o       At least two illustrations or pictures on the front or back of the case.  Please don’t use the same picture more than once.  These may be drawings, magazine pictures, pictures you print from the internet or take of your friends.

·        All writing and illustrations should be neat and legible.  You may NOT use a computer—all information must be handwritten by the STUDENT.  Make sure your name is on the project.


Spelling, punctuation & neatness. Everything is in YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
DVD case has book title, author & at least 2 pictures
Cast of characters & actors
Persuasive blurb 6-10 sentences long (in own words) & testimonial
Two songs
Voice is clear & understandable in presentation, Grading Scale was turned in AND your name is on the project!
Total points

**NOTE: If a real movie version of your book already exists you must choose different actors, songs, blurbs, testimonials, etc.

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.

NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Facebook-Type Web Page--- Fiction

You are creating a social network type page that is in NO WAY connected to the internet.  You will not be creating an actual page on the internet.  You are to use a piece of paper or poster board, etc.  The idea is for it to LOOK like a page from a site such as Facebook.  Make sure to include the title, author and your name.


·         Web page for one of the main characters from the book.

·         You should include: 

o       Likes list (at least 3 items)

o       Friends list (at least 1)

o       Pictures (at least 2) can be drawn, cut from magazines or printed on your computer

o       Status updates: entries from your character about things they did in the book (at least 4)

o       Comments from at least 1 other character

o       Character description that is at least 5 sentences.

The reader should be able to understand what the book is about through the pictures, status updates, descriptions, etc.  Use correct spelling, grammar, punctuation, and complete sentences.  Make your work neat & legible IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.


Web Page scoring guide

Web page is creative, neat and easy to read.  Includes title, author and your name. Everything is in YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
Uses complete sentences & correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.
Web page contains at least 4 status updates, 3 likes, 1 friend, 2 pictures, 1 comment and a character description
Voice is clear and understandable during the presentation. Grading Scale was turned in with project.
Total points:




NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)



Model of setting (FICTION)


·       Your model should be a representation of a scene from the book.

o      Include the title, author and your name.

o      Have at least 5 labels with 3 sentences each.  Labels should be in complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING. Give details about the characters, setting, plot, conflict and resolution.

·       Model should be neat, creative and handwriting should be legible. 

Points earned
Points available
Connections can easily be made between book and model of the setting. The title, author & student name are clearly labeled.
Model contains at least 5 labels with 3 sentences each that describe the importance of each piece of the setting.
Model is creative and neat.
Sentences use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
Voice is clear and understandable during presentation. Grading Scale was turned in with project.
Total Points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.






NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Mobile (FICTION)

·        Mobile should be done using construction paper, cardboard or computer paper.  You may use computer print outs of pictures or words but it is not required.  Pictures can also come from magazines or you may draw them neatly.

·        Mobile should be creative and colorful.

·        You should include at least the following:

o       Book title, author and your name.

o       2 characters

o       3 important events from the plot

o       1 setting

o       Conflict and resolution

Each item must have an explanation on the back to describe its importance and connection to the book.  Each description should be at least 3 sentences.  Descriptions must be neat and legible IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.  Please use complete sentences and correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.

Points Earned
Points Available
Book title, author and student name appear on mobile
At least 1 setting,
 2 characters, 3 events and conflict & resolution
are labeled on the mobile.
Descriptions are legible and explain the setting, characters and events thoroughly (at least 3 sentences for each one)
Complete sentences and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation are used. IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING
Voice is clear and understandable during the presentation. Grading Scale was turned in with project.
Total Points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.

NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Model— Non-Fiction

·       Create a model based on your book.

·       Use labels to tell important facts you learned from your book.  Labels should be in complete sentences with correct grammar, spelling and punctuation.  (at least 6 labels with 3 sentences each)  Facts should be paraphrased in your own words and NOT copied from the book. (Do not just change a word or two in each sentence…that is NOT paraphrasing!)

·       Model should be neat, creative and handwriting should be legible.  In your OWN HANDWRITING.

·       Your name, title and author of the book should be put on the model.

Points Earned
Points Possible
Connections can easily be made between book and model.  Your name, the title & author are clearly labeled.
Model contains at least 6 labels with 3 sentences each, listing important facts from the book in paraphrased sentences. (in your own words, NOT copied)
Model is creative and neat
Sentences use correct grammar, spelling and punctuation. IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING
Voice is clear and understandable during presentation. Grading Scale was turned in with project.
Total Points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.



NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)



Mobile--  Non-fiction

·        Mobile should be done using construction paper, cardboard or computer paper. You may use computer print outs of pictures or words but it is not required.  Pictures can also come from magazines or you may draw them neatly.

·        You must have at least 6 pictures and each must have an explanation on the back to describe a fact from the book.  Each fact description should be at least 3 sentences.  Descriptions must be neat and legible IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.  Please use complete sentences and correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.  Paraphrase in your own words.  DO NOT copy straight from the book.

·        Mobile should be creative and colorful.

·        Book title, author and your name should be at the top of the mobile.


Points Earned
Points Possible
Book title, author and student name appear on mobile
At least 6 pictures with paraphrased descriptions of the facts. (in your own words.)
Descriptions are legible and neat. At least 3 sentences for each one.
Complete sentences and correct spelling, grammar and punctuation are used. IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING
Voice is clear and understandable during the presentation. Grading Scale was turned in with project.
Total Points:


STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.



NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Paper Bag Book Report—  Non-Fiction

·        Use a paper bag to create your report. 

·        On the front: List the title & author.

·        On the back:  put your name and list the publisher and copyright date . 

·        You may decorate the outside of the bag with drawings about the book if you wish but it is not required.

·        You must also write a short description of at least 6 facts you learned from the book.  Each description must be at least 3 sentences.  These must be paraphrased in your own words and NOT copied from the book.  This should be on a separate piece of paper to be put inside your bag. 

·        You will pull items out of the bag to show as you tell about your project.

·        All writing and drawings should be neat and legible.  All descriptions should use correct grammar, punctuation and spelling IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.

·        Inside the bag you must include with your written description:

o       At least 6 items you can use to describe the book.  It can be the actual item or a picture.  The items must have a connection to the book that will help you tell about the facts you learned.

Points Earned
Points Possible
Title, author, your name, publisher and copyright date are listed on the outside of the bag.
At least 6 facts are described in paraphrased sentences (at least 3 sentences for each). IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING
The bag contains at least 6 items connected to the book.
Voice is clear and understandable during the presentation.  All writing/drawings are correct and legible. Grading Scale was turned in with project.
Total Points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.



NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Alphabet Book---FICTION

·       Create an alphabet book from A to Z using information from your book.

·       You may have only 1 or 2 letters on each page.

·       Each LETTER must have a sentence based upon the book’s plot, characters or setting such as:

o      A is for Hogwarts Headmaster, ALBUS Dumbledore.

o      B is for the BASILISK haunting the castle.

o      C is for the petrified boy, COLIN CREEVEY.

·       Each PAGE must have at least one illustration.  You may draw the pictures, use clip art, pictures printed from the internet or cut from magazines.

·       Each entry must be neat and legible in your OWN HANDWRITING with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.

·       Your name, book title and author must be on the project.


Points Earned
Points Possible
One sentence for each letter of the alphabet-- clearly connected to the book.  Student name, author and title of book are on the project.
At least one illustration per page.
Pages are neat & legible with correct punctuation, grammar and spelling IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
Voice is clear and understandable during presentation.  Turned in grading scale.
Total Points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.

NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Alphabet Book---Non-Fiction

·       Create an alphabet book from A to Z using information from your book.

·       You may have only 1 or 2 letters on each page.

·       Each LETTER must have a sentence based upon information found in the book. (Paraphrase!)

o      A is for Axle.

o      B is for BMX bike.

o      C is for a helmet Chinstrap

·       Each PAGE must have at least one illustration.  You may draw the pictures, use clip art, pictures printed from the internet or cut from magazines.

·       Each entry must be neat and legible in YOUR OWN HANDWRITING with correct grammar, punctuation and spelling.


Points Earned
Points Possible
One sentence for each letter of the alphabet—paraphrased from book. Your name, author and title are on the project.
At least one illustration per page.
Pages are neat & legible with correct punctuation, grammar and spelling IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
Voice is clear and understandable during presentation. Turned in grading scale.
Total Points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.







NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Collage--- Fiction

·       Create a collage with magazine pictures, words, pictures you print from the internet, etc. Put your name, title and author on the back.

·       All items must relate to your book.

·       Must include at least 2 paragraphs on the back retelling the plot including the setting, characters, conflict and resolution.  Must use correct spelling, punctuation and grammar and be written in YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.

·       Must have at least one item to represent each of the following and have each one labeled. (10 items)

Title                     Author       Setting

Resolution                             Conflict

Plot (3 items)                         Characters (at least 2) 


Points Earned
Points Possible
At least one item for each of the areas listed above.  At least 2 paragraphs retelling the plot. Includes your name, title and author on the back.
Is neat and legible with correct spelling, punctuation and grammar IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
Connections can easily be made between book and the collage. 
Voice is clear and understandable during presentation. Turned in grading scale.
Total Points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.





NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)



·       Create a collage with magazine pictures, words, pictures you print from the internet, etc.  Include the title, author and your name on the project.

·       All items must relate to your book.

·       Must have at least 8 items to represent 8 different facts from your book.

·       You must write a description of each item on the back of the collage.  Paraphrase…DO NOT copy from the book…put it in your own words.     Each description must be at least 2 sentences long written IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.


Points Earned
Points Possible
At least 8 items with paraphrased descriptions for each that are at least 2 sentences long.
Is neat and legible and includes the title, author and your name.  Everything is in YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
Connections can easily be made between book and the collage. 
Voice is clear and understandable during presentation. Turned in grading scale.
Total Points:


STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.




NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Illustrated Timeline—Non-Fiction

·       Must include at least 8 items in chronological order.

·       Each entry must have an illustration and written description of at least 2 sentences. (Paraphrased in your own words, not copied straight from the book)

·       Each entry must include a page number from the book where you found your information.

·       All entries must have correct spelling, grammar and punctuation.  All entries must be neat and legible in YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.

·       Make sure you include the title, author and your name on the project.



Points Earned
Points Available
Timeline is in chronological order with at least 8 entries IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.
Each entry includes an illustration and description of at least 2 paraphrased sentences.
Each entry includes page number reference from book. It is neat and legible and includes title, author and student name.
Voice is clear and understandable during the presentation. Turned in grading scale.
Total Points:


STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.

NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


News Report—Non-fiction

·       You must pretend to be an “on the scene” news reporter giving a live report back to the studio.

·       Report must be at least 1 minute long.  It should tell facts from your book.

·       Your report should be connected to the book and be easy for the “viewers” to understand.

·       You should write the report with correct grammar,  spelling and punctuation IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.

·        It must include

§       Author & Title of the book and your name

§       At least 8 facts you learned from your book. (Do NOT plagiarize…put the facts in your own words. Do not copy straight from the book.)

Points Earned
Points Possible
Report is at least 1 minute long.  Includes title, author and your name.
Contains at least 8 facts from the book written/said in your own words ! IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING
Voice is clear and understandable as you pretend to be a news reporter.
Correct spelling & punctuation. Turned in grading scale.
Total Points:


STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.


NAME:__________________________(turn in grading scale with project ---MINUS 5 pts if missing!)


Scrapbook--- Fiction

·        Choose 1 character from your book.  Create a scrapbook that character might have made.  Put the character’s name on the front.  Put the title, author and your name on the back.

·        Use pictures from magazines, printed from the Internet or drawings you create.

·        Scrapbook must be at least 6 pages.

·        All entries must be neat and legible and IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING.

·        Think about the kinds of things someone would put in a scrapbook…concert tickets, pictures from field trips or family parties, etc.  Make sure you choose items your CHARACTER would pick.

·        You must write 6 descriptions that cite evidence from your book to support your choices.  Write the page number from the book that supports your choice. (Example: For The Landry News you include a clipping from the first article you printed in the class newspaper.  Then cite the page number from the book where you found the article.)

Points Earned
Points Possible
Scrapbook is at least 6 pages. Character’s name is on the front cover and includes title, author and your name on the back.
All entries are neat and legible IN YOUR OWN HANDWRITING
Written description of all entries includes page numbers to support your choices.
Voice is clear and understandable during presentation. Turned in grading scale.
Total points:

STUDENTS are to do the project.  Parents may assist but students must read/ write/draw/paraphrase, etc.



He baked a cake for his model !

DVD cover



Mr. Wilson reading about creepy crawly creatures with 6th graders !

 High school students reading to kindergarten.

Special menu each day this week based on a book theme.

Kindergarten Winners !

1st grade winners

2nd grade winners

3rd grade winners

Grade Level Winners

Some of our Valentine Boxes based on books.